Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Kingston Township’s local tax rate?
A: 1.55%
Q: What are the Administrative Office hours?
A: Monday-Friday 8:30 A.M.- 4:30 P.M.
Q:What are the Tax Collector’s hours?
A: Tuesday and Thursday’s, 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
Q: Where can taxes be paid?
A: Taxes can be paid at the Administration Building located at 180 E. Center St. Shavertown, PA 18708
Q: What is the number for the Zoning Officer?
A: The Township’s Zoning Officer is Bill Eck and can be reached Monday-Friday 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. at 570-696-3809
Q: Are sewer and trash bills to be paid to the Township?
A: No, sewer and trash bills are to be paid to Dallas Area Municipal Authority.
Q: What is the number to the Fire Companies in Kingston Township?
A: Trucksville Volunteer Fire Company – 570-696-1871 | Shavertown Volunteer Fire Company – 570-675-1302
Q: What is D.A.M.A.’s phone number?
A: The Dallas Area Municipal Authority can be reached by calling 570-696-1133 or visited through their website www.damaonline.org.
Q: What is the Magistrate Tupper’s Administration phone number?
A: Magistrate Tupper’s office is located in the rear of the Trucksville Fire Hall at 11 Carverton Rd., Trucksville, PA 18708, and can be reached at 570-696-4477
The Kingston Township Board of Supervisors wishes to remind all residents in the Township that some limited burning is allowed in the Township by permit only. Please keep in mind that the Township has a successful recycling program for regular brush and yard waste.
You may obtain a burning permit by stopping by the Kingston Township Office, 180 East Center St., Shavertown, PA, Monday through Thursday, 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.m., Friday 8:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M. A permit must be obtained and approved by the Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer before you start burning.
Burning Permits are issued under strict guidelines.
The Kingston Township Road Department urges all residents to report any potholes on the Township Roads. If any are noticed, please contact the Kingston Township Public Works Department so we can respond quickly and keep our roads in the best condition possible.
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Local Earned Income Tax
In accordance with the Luzerne County adopted Tax collector, Kingston Township will be using the Berkheimer Associates for collection of Earned Income Taxes and The Local Services Tax.
The Kingston Township Board of Supervisors have approved an Ordinance adopting the Local Services Tax. The Local Services Tax is a $52 annual tax with $10 being distributed to the Dallas School District, and the remaining $42 used for local services such as fire and ambulance companies and also infrastructure improvements.